Web service and JSF Optimization

From: Dru Devore <>
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2008 08:04:09 -0700
I know that there is some optimization being done when a call to an EJB is done within the same server but does that go for Web services also?

I have an application which I am providing some web services for. To start off I am simply providing some useful services that will be refined later but I have one particular service which is causing problems in the form or causing a OutOfMemoryError exception, but not in all cases.

Here is the specifics.

I can run a JSF front end that is deployed to the same server and it run correctly and returns all rows just fine.

If I run the test for the web service using the Service?Tester url for the service the service throws the exception above.

Both the JSF and the Tester are using the same service to retrieve the data. Obviously the JSF version is reformatting the data before passing to the client. My guess at this point is that the server is doing some optimization that is allowing the data to be passed to the JSF pages without the transformation to XML that calling the Tester requires. Am I right about this or is there another reason one will throw an exception and the other will not?

I am increasing the memory size for the server which is taking care of the problem and I will be removing the service so the error will be fixed I just need to know what is causing it.