using v2.1b53 libs to connect with v2ur2 server

From: Witold Szczerba <>
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2008 21:34:53 +0200

Hi there,
I am developing Swing application + EJB3 server using Glassfish v2ur2.
My client is a regular standalone application, but it can be launched
using WebStart (JnlpDownloadServlet + WAR file with use of
version-download protocol).

Java 6 update 6 (some people say it was update 7) introduced some
changes in WebStart which led to errors during application startup,
see bug:

I tried Glassfish v2.1b53 and the problem does not exists anymore :) :) :).
The problem is, however, it is still beta and I am afraid to use it in
production, so I have not touched server and used just appserv-*.jar
files from v2.1b53 just to build client (which connects to v2ur2

It does seem to work fine, I would like to know if you are aware of
any troubles I can encounter?

Witold Szczerba