Re: error while starting glass fish server

From: Ravikumar Neti <Ravikumar.Neti_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2008 21:57:19 -0600

Thanks Jacob for your reply.

I am able to see below related info in the domain.xml. but not sure
whether this is useful or not

 <http-file-cache file-caching-enabled="true"
file-transmission-enabled="false" globally-enabled="true" hash-init-size
="0" max-age-in-seconds="30" max-files-count="1024"
medium-file-size-limit-in-bytes="537600" medium-file-space-in-bytes="1048
5760" small-file-size-limit-in-bytes="2048"

Below is the memory info

bash-3.00$ prtconf | grep Memory
prtconf: devinfo facility not available
Memory size: 8192 Megabytes

Jacob Kessler wrote:
> What heap size do you have specified in your domain.xml, and how much
> free memory do you have on the machine you are trying to start the
> domain on? That's the error that comes up when you (for example) try
> to start a 4G heap on a machine with only 2G of memory.
> Ravikumar Neti wrote:
>> Hi GF users,
>> I am getting below error while starting the glassfish instance. Any
>> Ideas/pointers?
>> bash-3.00$ !148
>> /app/demantra/installables/glassfish/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain
>> Starting Domain demnatra-development, please wait.
>> Log redirected to
>> /app/demantra/installables/glassfish/glassfish/domains/demnatra-development/logs/server.log.
>> Redirecting output to
>> /app/demantra/installables/glassfish/glassfish/domains/demnatra-development/logs/server.log
>> Error occurred during initialization of VM
>> Could not reserve enough space for object heap
>> Could not create the Java virtual machine.
>> ^Cbash-3.00$
>> bash-3.00$
>> Thanks,
>> Ravi
>> x40193
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