Re: Load Balancing Web Server 6/7 Sun App Server 9.1

From: Pankaj Jairath <Pankaj.Jairath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2008 07:10:03 +0530


Where did you get 64 bit load balancer so ?; load balancer binary is
shipped as 32bit image. Also are you using a 64 bit WebServer 7 edition.
Did you check this against 32bit WebServer installation on 7.0 ?.

Pankaj wrote:
> This is the first time I have had to install the web server on a zone. It is a 64 bit sparc processor.
> The first error I received was because I was used the App Server 9.1 installation which put the 32 bit I got the 64 bit .so file and now I get this error.
> ADMIN3603: Error while starting the server:
> failure: CORE2253: Error running Init function load-modules: dlsym for name-trans-passthrough failed ( webservd: fatal: name_trans_passthrough: can't find symbol)
> failure: server initialization failed
> The magnus.conf file was updated automatically when I was working with web server 6 and used the App Server 9.1 load balancer installation.
> Then I installed Web Server 7 and modified the magnus.conf and obj.conf files manually according to the instructions in the HA Adming guide on page 106. Here is what is in my magnus.conf and obj.conf files.
> #
> # Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
> # Use is subject to license terms.
> #
> ##BEGIN EE LB Plug-in Parameters
> Init fn="load-modules" shlib="/opt/SUNWappserver/lib/lbplugin/lib/webserver-plugin/solaris/sjsws/" funcs="init-passthrough,service-passthrough,name-trans-passthrough" Thread="no"
> Init fn="init-passthrough"
> ##END EE LB Plug-in Parameters=
> Init fn="load-modules" shlib=""
> #
> # Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
> # Use is subject to license terms.
> #
> # You can edit this file, but comments and formatting changes
> # might be lost when you use the administration GUI or CLI.
> <Object name="default">
> AuthTrans fn="match-browser" browser="*MSIE*" ssl-unclean-shutdown="true"
> Nametrans fn="name-trans-passthrough" name="lbplugin"
> config-file="web-server-install-dir/config/loadbalancer.xml"
> NameTrans fn="ntrans-j2ee" name="j2ee"
> NameTrans fn="pfx2dir" from="/mc-icons" dir="/opt/SUNWwbsvr/lib/icons" name="es-internal"
> PathCheck fn="uri-clean"
> PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="default"
> PathCheck fn="find-pathinfo"
> PathCheck fn="find-index-j2ee"
> PathCheck fn="find-index" index-names="index.html,home.html,index.jsp"
> ObjectType fn="type-j2ee"
> ObjectType fn="type-by-extension"
> ObjectType fn="force-type" type="text/plain"
> Service method="(GET|HEAD)" type="magnus-internal/directory" fn="index-common"
> Service method="(GET|HEAD|POST)" type="*~magnus-internal/*" fn="send-file"
> Service method="TRACE" fn="service-trace"
> Error fn="error-j2ee"
> AddLog fn="flex-log"
> </Object>
> <Object name="j2ee">
> Service fn="service-j2ee" method="*"
> </Object>
> <Object name="es-internal">
> PathCheck fn="check-acl" acl="es-internal"
> </Object>
> <Object name="cgi">
> ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/cgi"
> Service fn="send-cgi"
> </Object>
> <Object name="send-precompressed">
> PathCheck fn="find-compressed"
> </Object>
> <Object name="compress-on-demand">
> Output fn="insert-filter" filter="http-compression"
> </Object>
> <Object name = "lbplugin">
> ObjectType fn="force-type" type="magnus-internal/lbplugin"
> PathCheck fn="deny-existence" path="*/WEB-INF/*"
> Service type="magnus-internal/lbplugin" fn="service-passthrough"
> Error reason="Bad Gateway" fn="send-error" uri="$docroot/badgateway.html"
> </Object>
> I also updated the startup script to include the lbplugin/lib directories.
> Anyone know why I would be getting that error?
> [Message sent by forum member 'jfaldmo' (jfaldmo)]
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