Concurrent Sessions in two tabs of browser

From: <>
Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2008 14:11:20 PDT

Hello -
     I have been looking into a problem where we have two domains deployed onto the same box on different ports. Domain1 has app1 on port 8080 and Domain2 has app2 on port 8580 (Their admin ports are 8048 and 8548 respectively).

When we logged into app1 on a tab in firefox and then opened up a session to app2 on a second tab with a different login and it kills the login to session1.

While we have a custom security realm/loginmodule, I don't believe it is that because even the Admin Module which uses the Admin Realm log each other out even though they are on different ports.

This appears to be the classic single session between two tabs issue, but I would have thought that the port number would have been included on the cookie name to keep them separated.

This was working on our previous Weblogic implementation and we can verify that you can log into both applications hosted on the same box/domain in two different tabs - and we believe that this was accomplished with cookie renaming

The thought is that the equivalent is accomplished in Glassfish with cookie-properties, but we have not been successful yet. Any thoughts?

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