Re: When can I use real remote EJBs in Glass V3

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:11:32 -0700

Aaron Metzger wrote:
> The statement below is from the TP2 release.
> Is this still true for the "Prelude" releases?
> Is there an up to date roadmap/schedule for Glassfish V3 with respect
> to full EJB capability (even a J2EE 5 level)?
>> What EJB features are available in GlassFish V3 TP2
>> Only Stateless Session beans with local interfaces are supported.
> Stateful, Message driven and EJB 2.x entity beans are not supported.
> Remote interfaces and Remote business interfaces for any of the bean
> type are not supported yet. Timer Service is supported, but a little bit
> of configuration is needed to enable it. We will be blogging about how
> to enable TimerService in GlassFish V3 shortly.

Make sure you write up about TimerService with and without JTS package
installed ;).

>> Support for other types of beans will be available soon.
> --
> Thanks.
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