When can I use real remote EJBs in Glass V3

From: Aaron Metzger <>
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:22:31 -0400

The statement below is from the TP2 release.
Is this still true for the "Prelude" releases?

Is there an up to date roadmap/schedule for Glassfish V3 with respect to
  full EJB capability (even a J2EE 5 level)?

> What EJB features are available in GlassFish V3 TP2
> Only Stateless Session beans with local interfaces are supported.
Stateful, Message driven and EJB 2.x entity beans are not supported.
Remote interfaces and Remote business interfaces for any of the bean
type are not supported yet. Timer Service is supported, but a little bit
of configuration is needed to enable it. We will be blogging about how
to enable TimerService in GlassFish V3 shortly.
> Support for other types of beans will be available soon.
