>> You may like the series of articles by Reza Rahman
>> =NewFeaturesinEJB3-1
>> =NewFeaturesEJB31
>> =NewFeaturesEJB31-3
>> =NewFeaturesinEJB3-Part4
> Thank you very much for providing so much useful information.
> But now I have some questions :)
> Is it possible today start using EJB 3.1 with the last build of Glassfish Prelude?
If you understand the limitations for Prelude:
1/ early access feature not complete via update center
2/ stateless beans and JPA sessions inside Web Apps, (no ear, or
ejbmodule yet)
3/ no MDB, stateful yet
4/ did I say not complete?
>> Part 2 in particular has illustrations of ejb 3.1
>> enterprise app being all in the war. The three
>> projects ear/ejb-jar/war drop down to one war
>> project(ejb 3.1 style).
> Do you believe that makes sense now to migrate to ejb 3.1 style of the project in such environment as netbeans?
yes, but you cannot use the wizards to create ejbs since they do not
work for a web app. The good new is that a JPA or a stateless bean is so
simple to create you do not need a wizard, just a java pojo wizard is
enough and you add annotations..
>> Also look at the templating
>> under 'New File' category Persistence for "JPA
>> Controller classes from Entity classes", "JSF pages
>> from entity classes" etc.
> I used that in netbeans 6.1 but maybe there are some improvements in version 6.5?
Some bug fixes.
The main stuff I LOVE in NetBeans 6.5 is JAX RS (JSR 311) RestFul
webservices from JPA wizards... Try it, you gonna love it...
JCP JAX RS expert group just approved the spec this week, so this is
brand new, *standard* and already supported with NetBeans 6.5 and works
like a charm with Prelude last time I tried.
If you install the Ajax jMaki plugin from the Update Center, you can
even generate a simple jMaki Javascript client to interact with your
restful services.
>> This depending on what you want to achieve and if you
>> are using jsf. These generate backing beans that
>> connect all the way to jsf components in jsp pages
>> which I then convert onward to facelets.
> I'm using JSF in my applications but didn't use facelets yet. I'm going to start use facelets that included in JSF 2.0. By the way are you already using JSF 2.0?
> Is it possible to start use in JSF 2.0 based application webbeans?
not sure. Anyone on the list tried that?
>> V3 doesn't take ear or ejb jars that I know of.
> Are you saying that V3 doesn't support traditional style of Enterprise Application at all?
> If that so why nobody beside you told me clearly that I can't deploy EAR package to Glassfish Prelude. After writing the last sentence I went to admin console and tried to deploy EAR kind of application and looks like you right I can't do it! Before I was so sure that issue related to deploy Enterprise Application appears only inside Netbeans ;)
> Definitely somebody should write about distinguish features between Prelude and Glassfish 2.
>> If you are working with JBI and composite apps you
>> may want to get at the Felix(with fuji) and the Felix
>> web console. It can show you the state of the
>> components and help you add your own.(If interested I
>> can point to more how-to)
> Thank you again for your information. For now I'm still in read mode for this topic.
>> Metro module will run webservices but I have yet to
>> get it to play nice with the ejb module. Currently I
>> have two different gfv3 setups for testing ejbs
>> separate from web services.
> I'm not using Metro yet but already started to use web services in limited manner and very interesting in this topic.
> Probably you would be interesting in reading this article:
> Best Regards,
> Vladimir
> [Message sent by forum member 'vladperl' (vladperl)]
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