Re: can't assign glassfish prelude to enterprise application netbeans 6.5

From: <>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 10:45:57 PDT

> > Is it possible today start using EJB 3.1 with the
> last build of Glassfish Prelude?
> >
> If you understand the limitations for Prelude:
> 1/ early access feature not complete via update
> center
> 2/ stateless beans and JPA sessions inside Web Apps,
> (no ear, or
> ejbmodule yet)
> 3/ no MDB, stateful yet
> 4/ did I say not complete?

I thought because Glassfish Prelude really close to final stage everything that already in implemented in glassfish 2 should be completed now in Prelude.
Now I understand even more clearly why glassfish v3 so module oriented.
That provide possibility for Glassfish to has independent life cycle from any other module (for example EJB Module).

> > Do you believe that makes sense now to migrate to
> ejb 3.1 style of the project in such environment as
> netbeans?
> >
> yes, but you cannot use the wizards to create ejbs
> since they do not
> work for a web app. The good new is that a JPA or a
> stateless bean is so
> simple to create you do not need a wizard, just a
> java pojo wizard is
> enough and you add annotations..

OK, I see your point.

> > I used that in netbeans 6.1 but maybe there are
> some improvements in version 6.5?
> >
> Some bug fixes.
> The main stuff I LOVE in NetBeans 6.5 is JAX RS (JSR
> 311) RestFul
> webservices from JPA wizards... Try it, you gonna
> love it...
> JCP JAX RS expert group just approved the spec this
> week, so this is
> brand new, *standard* and already supported with
> NetBeans 6.5 and works
> like a charm with Prelude last time I tried.

It's very interesting I definitely will try the wizard.

> If you install the Ajax jMaki plugin from the Update
> Center, you can
> even generate a simple jMaki Javascript client to
> interact with your
> restful services.
I will check it out. Also going to play with dojo -> restful services.

> > Is it possible to start use in JSF 2.0 based
> application webbeans?
> >
> not sure. Anyone on the list tried that?
> Ludo

Maybe using webbeans in JSF looks now like science project :)

Thank you Ludo for putting additional information. I got all answers I needed.
This forum is really great place to ask questions!
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