Re: Using Sun's Migration Tool...

From: <>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 15:14:44 PDT

I'm not sure if you are understanding my dilemna...

I've never needed to "migrate" anything - I've always just taken a set of JARs and manually fixed all the AppServer and platform associations. The first issue I'm asking about is not necessarily the big picture - step-by-step. I'm just asking whether I've got the ASMIGRATE tool correctly configured - since the very simplest test failed (I just grabbed a random JAR file that I knew wouldn't have a ton of AS class references).

BUT... {following your line of suggestion}
I don't have the priviledge of executing an EXPORT function on the Websphere machine. I am merely the one deemed to be tasked to migrate the application. When I decided, after thinking about your response to send a note to those deemed worthy to touch "The Websphere" nicely asking for the proper META-INF files and the rest of the DDs, I get a response back, "The war files are contained within the ear files. All deployment
descriptors are included in what you were given." And it goes on to list an example of a web.xml file that allegedly is contained in what I've been given (as if I've never seen one...).

I am handed a CD containing a file structure having two main divisions. the first division contains a bunch of documentation and files having a structure {module name}.properties. These property files have a structure as:

#-- AD01 Queues -- #
#-- EJB Properties --
Standard config file stuff... just no XML files anywhere...

There is a second division of files contained in a parent folder labeled "source" which is further divided into five categories: Batch Process Apps, Core App classes, Enterprise Java Beans, Misc Utility Class Libraries, and Web Applications. Within each of the categories are folders having module names. Within the folders are EAR and JAR files - nothing else.

So... I guess I'm losing my mind... I sure don't see any DDs anywhere in all this... Are they contained within the EARs as the note's response implied (and I also assumed)? If so... then I should in fact have what I need - so why is the ASMIGRATE giving me an error? How do I troubleshoot? *confused*

Da Lizard
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