Re: Announcing FishCAT, a community Beta program, please join Fish CAT to find bugs

From: Dick Davies <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 21:03:36 +0100

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 9:00 PM, NBW <> wrote:
> I reported this issue back on August 2nd to Gopal when he sent me an
> invitation. Seeing as how Preview is the standard PDF viewer supplied by
> Apple as part of Mac OS X you either need to install something else or open
> it under a platform with a later version of the viewer. This is the first
> PDF I've ever opened which ever gave me trouble using Preview. Could be a
> bug in Preview or could be an incompatability with the tool used to create
> it. In anycase it's extra work us Mac users have to endure if we want to use
> the application.

Google Docs has the same problem. Like you said, Preview works a treat
for everything
I need, I don't really want to slap Acrobat on a perfectly good OS X
install... does the PDF
have some kind of special features?

Rasputnik :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns