Paul wrote:
>Le Monday 04 August 2008 18:24:29 Q Beukes, vous avez écrit :
>>I have an applicat JMobs-WAR. I have to access the servlets contained
>>within via /JMobs-WAR/{mapped paths}
>>How can I set this application to be my "ROOT" application, meaning I
>>access the servlets as /{mapped paths}
>If you deploy with the asadmin command you can issue the following :
>asadmin deploy --contextroot "/" JMobs-WAR.war
Yes, that would also work.
When I suggested that JMobs-WAR be declared as a default-web-module,
I was under the impression that the servlets would still need to be
at /JMobs-WAR/{mapped paths}, in addition to /{mapped paths}.
If only /{mapped paths} needs to be supported, then deploying JMobs-WAR
to the root context would be the way to go.