Re: connection pool monitoring on a cluster

From: Dick Davies <>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 14:41:15 +0100

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Dick Davies
<> wrote:

> So my first question is : can I see these values via the admin webapp?

To answer my own question : yes, under

clusters -> <cluster-name> - > instances -> <pick an instance> -> monitor

would still like to know why the values below don't seem to add up, though.

> Also, it looks like each server instance has its own copy of the pool,
> that's right isn't it
> (in my mental model, they were sharing a global pool and checking out
> their own connections)?
> If I browse around under those entries I can find stats on the
> pool(s?) themselves, but they don't seem to add up:
> gfish$ asadmin get --monitor=true inst**-current
> = 7
> = 0
> = 6
> = 0
> I expect the database to be failry quiet (I memcache the hell out of
> this app) but
> both the pools have an initial size of 8 (the default), so I can't
> figure out where the other connections are?
> Have I missed an entry, or am I just not understanding the values?
> Tried the same thing on my desktop
> (same version of GFv2 but in developer profile, so everything is under
> 'server') and it behaved as expected.
> --
> Rasputnik :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

Rasputnik :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns