EMMA and Sun Glassfish (no

From: <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 01:30:47 PDT

We use the Sun Glassfish server and Maven. We want to use EMMA during system testing of our application.
I tried the following:
1. Instrument the .jar files before packing the .ear file (overwrite mode of EMMA).
2. Deploy the .ear file in Glassfish.
Problem: Deploy failed and I got the following message:
Deploying application in domain failed; Error loading deployment descriptors for module [Archive] -- com/vladium/emma/rt/RTat com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.AnnotationInfo_at_47e1f4 Error loading deployment descriptors for module [Archive] -- com/vladium/emma/rt/RTat com.sun.enterprise.deployment.annotation.AnnotationInfo_at_47e1f4
Now I added emma.jar as a dependency and added it to the .ear file of the application. After that the deploy succeeded.
The application is running but I don't get a file!
My questions:
1. Do I really have to add emma.jar to my app? I thought it would be sufficient to add the .jar to the java classpath of Glassfish.
2. How can I find out whether EMMA is really running and the instrumentation succeeded?
3. What must I do to get a file (I guess that it could be a problem with the shutdown hook, which prevents EMMA from writing the file)?
Any suggestions are really appreciated!!
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