Why the log records two port numbers apparently related to IIOP? Which is your current configuration of IIOP ports in GF?
Consider that a web-start client application is a jnlp application, a downloaded application from the server running on your desktop machine. If that client application must connect with the server, the application must know how to do it: external IP and port and a firewall whith the right rules to enable and NAT those connections.
If you are interested in my experience with IIOP, I don't trust it to be used between applications running in two different machines. If you read some threads in this forum, you can see there are some problems when locating references not registered in the same jvm.
I suppose you have tested you application running the cliente and server in the same machine. I suggest to test the application with the client running in a different box inside tour local network and later put a router in the middle.
Ya me contarás
Aniceto Perez
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