Re: Cannot setup two virtual servers on same port (80) even with

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 13:20:45 -0400

Salut, wrote:
>> just add:
> God, I hate that answer.

And I hate answering with that, but it saves *tons* of time to a lot of
peoples trying to help here (and to debug)

> That's the "Oh, just kick the server in the back" answer. It's total folklore and badly documented. Why would anyone who isn't intimate with the code even THINK that would be the answer?
> It seems to be the "answer" to everything, Jeanfrancois, but there's never a good reason WHY it's the answer. WHY does setting the property to false fix THIS problem. And Why doesn't the server handle this situation properly WITHOUT this flag.

Well, I think I've explained many times what this mechanism does.
Mainly, it replace the default NIO provider and intercept all requests
that goes to GlassFish. That means all requests get "inspected" there
and eventually reach Grizzly and other TCP based module in GlassFish.
Disabling it just remove that extra layer, which fix a lot of issues as
you have seen.

Sorry I'm just tired or retyping the description over and over, but care
about peoples wanted to have a GlasssFish working :-)

> I swear, every time I see this answer I think a bug should be filed. "This doesn't work, but ASQuickStartup fixes it. Make it work without ASQuickStartup". Just seems like such a hack to me.

:-) :-)

> "If day == tuesday and moon.getPhase == waning..." kind of code. Or maybe it's a "JeanfrancoisSaysSo" flag.

Just file a P1 and someone will wakes up @ Sun, hopefully :-) I
understand it's frustrating, and I hope seeing a p1 from an external
user will make thing fixed.


-- Jeanfrancois

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