Re: Self-cert SSL for admin gui

From: Chris Searle <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 12:23:46 +0200

On 11. juli. 2008, at 10.11, Chris Searle wrote:

> I'm having an issue with getting the admin gui to run over SSL with
> a given certificate.
> I believe that I have the certificate in the keystore correctly:
> glassfish/domains/domain1/config$ keytool -list -keystore
> keystore.jks -alias
> Enter keystore password:
>, Jul 10, 2008, trustedCertEntry,
> Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 01:91:81:C5:79:71:96:A3:EA:
> 58:B4:16:CA:AC:F0:6E

Hmm - think that this may be the issue. From what I can see - to
consume SSL this would be OK - but to serve it you also need the
private key in the keystore. I guess it's the private key that
glassfish can't find.

I've been digging on this - found three java implementations (one from
Jetty, one from the net and one from not yet commons-ssl) - but all
fail to import :(

I know this is about to shoot way OT - so I'll just say that if anyone
has any answers to the exceptions on
  I'd love to hear - but I guess I'm going to have to take this to a
plain java or java security list :)