Custom Realms on Glassfish

From: <>
Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2008 12:03:03 PDT

Based on my observation Tomcat, JBoss, Resin, Jetty, Weblogic just require the developer to just implement the JAAS APIs LoginModule to develop a custom realm.

I would like to avoid writing appserver specific code as much as I can in my workspace. Based on the docs:
<snip url="">
Custom login modules must extend the class. This class implements Custom login modules must not implement LoginModule directly.

Any one has clue why Glassfish happens to be the only webcontainer that requires you to extend from a Glassfish proprietary class instead of letting the user directly implementing the JAAS API? Can this be considered a bug?

Also any reason why this class name keeps changing every release... SJS8.x SJS 7.x had a different class to extend from (I think).
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