Re: (mod_jk?) ClientAbortException again.

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 08:07:57 +0200

Salut Jeanfrancois, all;

... here we go again, some more reports on that:

Kristian Rink schrieb:
> that. So far I am into building a testbed installment running apache 2.2
> (our productive system is 2.0) which I would prefer in the future
> because (asides from the usual updates) it provides the mod_proxy
> balancing features which I want to make our glassfish clustered;

Been running apache 2.2 / mod_proxy now for two days in a productive
environment. It seems more stable than the previous (2.0) setup, and
considering the fact it have been two "ordinary" work days in terms of
concurrent user count, it seems effectively the amount of
ClientAbortExceptions to hit my error log has somewhat reduced (somewhere
next to 100 in these two days, whereas just a handful of people actually
complained about being unable to recieve / fully download files). Things I
have noticed about this:

- In some cases, it seems some given resources are more troublesome than
others. One of the URLs accessed by external users is supposed to send back
an 8..10 MB .xls file which is causing serious trouble to quite an amount of
people. In these cases, it also seems a "final" thing to these users -
either they manage to completely download the resource in question
immediately, or they will always fail. In some cases, I definitely blame
this to user side network connectivity issues but at least on our system I
see the exception and I am stunned to see their browsers reporting "the
website is not available or not found"...

- For what I see on the apache2 proxy logs, whenever another one of our
backend systems (a proprietary DMS web access...) causes problems, the
"connection reset by peer" is also logged in apache2's error.log file so I
assume that, given in the ClientAbortException the apache2 might be cause of
the problem, it might also be reported there?

Still clutching at straws, I think... :/
Cheers & best regards, have a good week everyone...

Kristian Rink
cell    :  +49 176 2447 2771
"we command the system. calling all recievers.
we are noisy people for a better living".
(covenant - "monochrome")