Re: Glassfish and Gentoo

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 18:15:46 -0700

There are no big broken things. Give us a couple of days and we will be
able to give you a better indicator of the status.

Note that there is a refresh of TP2 that just came out today, see [1],
but that one is, pretty much just the old TP2 with a new GUI installer.


        - eduard/o

Aaron Metzger wrote:
> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>> Thanks. Focusing on v3 might be the biggest RoI. Also GFv3 TP2 has
>> proven very solid and it is in much better shape than its name suggests.
> Is there an objective way to determine just what "shape" GFV3 is in?
> It is strongly stated to not use it for production but if there are no
> big broken things, I'd like to risk it.
> Is it still evolving rapidly? Or is it "done" but untested? And, I
> know the spec isn't final yet but I don't care about that just yet.
> Thanks for any insight.
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