enterprise apps fail when package name of websvc-client-refs match websvc

From: <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 15:56:13 PDT

i am looking for a sanity check -- in all my studies i was not aware of what i have painfully/slowly learned by experience. the web services referred to here are all jax-rpc/j2ee1.4 - not jax-ws/ee5.

when using netbeans 6.x - i 1st create a simple webservice ie. (HelloWorld/sayHello); netbeans(nb) has me specify a package name for the webservice.

then i create web - websvc client; i choose java ee generated static stub; i choose same package name i used when i created the webservice.

i also do the same thing with generated code package name for an ent-app-client of the same webservice.

at this point i have 3 projects -- like - sayHelloWebService1, sayHelloWebService1Client1, sayHelloWebService1AppClient1;

the sayHelloWebService1 was build/deployed before the other 2 projects so i could access the http://localhost:8080/sayHelloWebService1/sayHelloWebService1?wsdl ;

all 3 projects build/deploy, and verify , and run -- separately without errors.

but if i create an Enterprise Application -- where i add each of the above projects to it -- it will not verify, deploy, or run;

sometimes -- what got me here to these experiments -- i did have code that would build, verify, and deploy -- but not run -- in these cases i only had a webservice, and an App-Client to access the webservice in the Enterprise-Application.

when separately deployed -- they all run -- but when deployed as an EnterpriseApplication -- would not run;

when able to deploy -- the runtime error -- is always about cannot find some serializer ?

i have done lots of experiments -- it seems/appears -- that the problem is non-unique package names for the generated webservice client access code -- which only seems to be a problem when packaged into an EnterpriseApplication -- since separate deployments of each do run without errors.

like i said -- i'm looking for a sanity check -- any comment to help me understand would be appreciated.
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