Container com.sun.enterprise.webservice.JAXWSContainer doesn't support ...

From: <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 05:38:55 PDT


I have developed an ejb module like this

@Stateless(mappedName = "IaemexVivEJB")
public class IaemexVivBean implements IaemexVivServiceRemote {

    public IaemexVivBean() {

    public RatiosFactoresSalida[] calcularIaemexViv(
            @WebParam(name = "p1") String p1,
            @WebParam(name = "p2") String p2,
            @WebParam(name = "p3") String p3,
            @WebParam(name = "p4") boolean p4,
            @WebParam(name = "p5") ElementoEntrada[] p5) {

After deployment, it works fine; in fact, the lastest message is the successful module deployment. The problem is the message ' JAXWSContainer .. doesn't support ...'. This is the only one application in the glassfish domain. Here is the log output.

Any ideas? is it safe to ignore it?


CORE5024: EJB module [IaemexViv-ejb] unloaded successfully!
WSTX-COMMON-2007: Map CMT EJB web method ''.'calcularIaemexViv' with effective transaction attribute of 'REQUIRED' to wsdl bounded operation '{}IaemexVivBeanPort':'calcularIaemexViv' with WS-AT policy assertion(s) 'IaemexVivBeanPortBinding_calcularIaemexViv_WSAT_Policy'
wsgen successful
DPL5306:EJB Web Service Endpoint [IaemexVivBean] listening at address [http://saturno.iaemi.local:9080/IaemexVivBeanService/IaemexVivBean]
deployed with moduleid = IaemexViv-ejb
POARemoteRefFactory checking if SFSBVersionPolicy need to be added
EJBSCLookup:: sc.getEjbContainerAvailabilityEnabledFromConfig() ==> false
POARemoteRefFactory addSFSBVersionPolicy? false
POARemoteRefFactory checking if SFSBVersionPolicy need to be added
EJBSCLookup:: sc.getEjbContainerAvailabilityEnabledFromConfig() ==> false
POARemoteRefFactory addSFSBVersionPolicy? false
**RemoteBusinessJndiName: IaemexVivEJB; remoteBusIntf:
WSTX-COMMON-2007: Map CMT EJB web method ''.'calcularIaemexViv' with effective transaction attribute of 'REQUIRED' to wsdl bounded operation '{}IaemexVivBeanPort':'calcularIaemexViv' with WS-AT policy assertion(s) 'IaemexVivBeanPortBinding_calcularIaemexViv_WSAT_Policy'
Container com.sun.enterprise.webservice.JAXWSContainer_at_1e9150a doesn't support class
LDR5010: All ejb(s) of [IaemexViv-ejb] loaded successfully!
[Message sent by forum member 'aperezymadrid' (aperezymadrid)]