Entity Instance Singleton

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 15:00:59 +0200

I stumbled across the behaviour that when doing the following code in a transaction, I always get the same entity instance:


MyEntity a = em.find(MyEntity.class, new MyEntityPK("xyz")));

MyEntity b = em.createQuery("SELECT m FROM MyEntity m WHERE = 'xyz'").getSingleResult());

MyEntity c = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT id FROM MyEntity WHERE id = 'xyz'").getSingleResult());


a and b always point to the exact same object. I would understand that the objects have similar content. But really I get three times the same object, even after a native SQL query. Seems like the JPA Provider is checking the cache for existing objects before creating a new one.


Now my question is: Is that behaviour enforced by the JPA specification, so can I rely on this beeing ensured by EACH JPA Provider?






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