Entities in referenced lib jar not found by verifier?

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 17:03:17 +0200

My entities shall be avaiable in both, the SB and the rich client, since
their detached state is used as a DTO between client and server.

As long as I have the entitiy classes in both, SB JAR and Client JAR,
the verifier is able to find and check the entities.

To reduce the footprint of my application, I want to have the entities
only in client OR server, and use Class-Path references. Unfortunately,
when doing that, the verifier does not find the entities anymore.
Despite a lot of artifically inserted bugs, it says my EAR is completely
OK and free of any faults.

Where do I go wrong? Is that a bug of the verifier not building the
correct EAR classpath, or is that my fault and I did not work according
to the spec?
