Re: V3 updatetool fails on Solaris,Linux & vista.

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 10:32:40 -0700

cc-ing updatecenter dev alias...

I can help you out with Windows problem - this is a known Windows Vista
issue and workaround is described here in v3 TP2 release notes:

Could you please provide more detailed information on exact Linux
distribution and version/



Jonathan Benoit wrote:

> hi Anand,
> i just went through the similar thing on solaris 10, but the GUI
> actually comes up in my case, and only does seg. fault. after clicking
> to install the metro bits. I was told that "I think that installing
> patch 125211-01 will fix this problem."
> the url provided to download patch was
> however, that resulted in this error below on this url after clicking
> to accept license:
> Attention!
> Invalid Book Mark or Page Reference
> * The page that you requested has been removed/discontinued... or...
> * The requested target path for: 1-21-125211-01-1 does not exist
> on SunSolve
> when asked where i could successfully download this patch, i was told
> you can use the sun internal URL
> http://sunsolve.central
> then go to Patch Portal (left side) and click on PatchFinder.
> In the field "Enter Patch ID", just enter 125211 without the level
> and then Download Patch HTTP link, or signed Patch link
> i don't know what the solution is for other two platforms, or if this
> patch will fix your particular variant of seg. fault on solaris, but
> you can try emailing with this
> email/problem below, and Tom.Mueller_at_Sun.COM was on this alias and
> responded very quickly and was very helpful, so hopefully he will know
> how best to move forward on other two platforms, and can confirm if
> this patch will help you on solaris.
> in the meantime, i was told as a workaround to use CLI:
> % bin/pkg install metro
> which worked to install the metro bits on top of GF V3.
> note, if you use the CLI to install metro, and later want to install
> the patch and use the GUI updatetool, Updatetool will not show metro
> in the list of available add-ons because metro was already installed
> using the pkg CLI. If you click on "Installed Components" you should
> see metro in the list. You can uninstall and reinstall it by checking
> the box by it in Installed Components and clicking "Remove". Then go
> back to Available Add-ons and metro should show up again.
> thanks,
> Jon
> anand wrote:
>> Hi ,
>> We want to use metro web services on V3 but updatetool fails to
>> launch the gui, we tried this on three different OS.
>> Steps we followed
>> =============
>> 1)Downloaded V3 build from this
>> 2)unzip the
>> 3)run the <glassfish-home>/bin/updatetool
>> first run of updatetool works fine on Solaris and Linux but it fails
>> in second run when it launch the updatetool gui.
>> please refer the run logs below.
>> ===============================================================================
>> *On Solaris :* The update tool window doesn't come up. Fails with
>> Segmentation Fault - core dumped
>> root_at_dhcp-cblr03-229-79 # ./updatetool
>> The software needed for this command (updatetool) is not installed.
>> Would you like to install the software now? (y/n): y
>> Platform: sunos-i386
>> Software repository:
>> Installing pkg packages...
>> Installing: python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T194846Z
>> python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T194846Z: manifest file
>> doesn't exist yet, fetching from server
>> python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T194846Z: downloading
>> files............................................................................................................................................................................................
>> python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T194846Z: installing files...
>> Installing: pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T194843Z
>> pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T194843Z: manifest file doesn't exist yet,
>> fetching from server
>> pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T194843Z: downloading
>> files....................................................................
>> pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T194843Z: installing files...
>> Installing updatetool packages...
>> Installing: wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T194903Z
>> wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T194903Z: manifest file
>> doesn't exist yet, fetching from server
>> wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T194903Z: downloading
>> files............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
>> wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T194903Z: installing
>> files...
>> Installing: updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T194901Z
>> updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T194901Z: manifest file doesn't exist
>> yet, fetching from server
>> updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T194901Z: downloading
>> files.....................................................................................
>> updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T194901Z: installing files...
>> Update Center initialization complete.
>> Software successfully installed. You may now re-run this command
>> (updatetool).
>> root_at_dhcp-cblr03-229-79 # ./updatetool
>> Segmentation Fault - core dumped
>> ==========================================================================================
>> *On Win Vista: *
>> C:\glassfishv3-tp2\bin>updatetool.bat
>> The software needed for this command (updatetool.bat) is not installed.
>> Press any key to install the necessary software, or Ctrl-C to quit.
>> After software installation is completed you may re-run this command.
>> Press any key to continue . . .
>> echo was unexpected at this time.
>> ===============================================================================================
>> *On Ubuntu: *The update tool window doesn't come up.
>> Software repository:
>> Installing pkg packages...
>> Installing: python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T195400Z
>> python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T195400Z: manifest file
>> doesn't exist yet, fetching from server
>> python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T195400Z: downloading
>> files............................................................................................................................................................................................
>> python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T195400Z: installing files...
>> Installing: pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T195358Z
>> pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T195358Z: manifest file doesn't exist yet,
>> fetching from server
>> pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T195358Z: downloading
>> files...................................................................
>> pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T195358Z: installing files...
>> Installing updatetool packages...
>> Installing: wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T195418Z
>> wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T195418Z: manifest file
>> doesn't exist yet, fetching from server
>> wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T195418Z: downloading
>> files..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
>> wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T195418Z: installing
>> files...
>> Installing: updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T195415Z
>> updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T195415Z: manifest file doesn't exist
>> yet, fetching from server
>> updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T195415Z: downloading
>> files.....................................................................................
>> updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T195415Z: installing files...
>> Update Center initialization complete.
>> Software successfully installed. You may now re-run this command
>> (updatetool).
>> naresh_at_naresh:~/Tp2-docs/glassfishv3-tp2/bin$ ./updatetool
>> naresh_at_naresh:~/Tp2-docs/glassfishv3-tp2/bin$ ./updatetool
>> =====================================================================================================
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