Re: V3 updatetool fails on Solaris,Linux & vista.

From: Jonathan Benoit <Jonathan.Benoit_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 09:11:09 -0400

hi Anand,

i just went through the similar thing on solaris 10, but the GUI
actually comes up in my case, and only does seg. fault. after clicking
to install the metro bits. I was told that "I think that installing
patch 125211-01 will fix this problem."

the url provided to download patch was
however, that resulted in this error below on this url after clicking to
accept license:

Invalid Book Mark or Page Reference

     * The page that you requested has been removed/discontinued... or...
     * The requested target path for: 1-21-125211-01-1 does not exist
on SunSolve

when asked where i could successfully download this patch, i was told
you can use the sun internal URL


then go to Patch Portal (left side) and click on PatchFinder.
In the field "Enter Patch ID", just enter 125211 without the level
and then Download Patch HTTP link, or signed Patch link

i don't know what the solution is for other two platforms, or if this
patch will fix your particular variant of seg. fault on solaris, but you
can try emailing with this email/problem
below, and Tom.Mueller_at_Sun.COM was on this alias and responded very
quickly and was very helpful, so hopefully he will know how best to move
forward on other two platforms, and can confirm if this patch will help
you on solaris.

in the meantime, i was told as a workaround to use CLI:

% bin/pkg install metro

which worked to install the metro bits on top of GF V3.

note, if you use the CLI to install metro, and later want to install the
patch and use the GUI updatetool, Updatetool will not show metro in the
list of available add-ons because metro was already installed using the
pkg CLI. If you click on "Installed Components" you should see metro in
the list. You can uninstall and reinstall it by checking the box by it
in Installed Components and clicking "Remove". Then go back to Available
Add-ons and metro should show up again.


anand wrote:
> Hi ,
> We want to use metro web services on V3 but updatetool fails to launch
> the gui, we tried this on three different OS.
> Steps we followed
> =============
> 1)Downloaded V3 build from this
> 2)unzip the
> 3)run the <glassfish-home>/bin/updatetool
> first run of updatetool works fine on Solaris and Linux but it fails in
> second run when it launch the updatetool gui.
> please refer the run logs below.
> ===============================================================================
> *On Solaris :* The update tool window doesn't come up. Fails with
> Segmentation Fault - core dumped
> root_at_dhcp-cblr03-229-79 # ./updatetool
> The software needed for this command (updatetool) is not installed.
> Would you like to install the software now? (y/n): y
> Platform: sunos-i386
> Software repository:
> Installing pkg packages...
> Installing: python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T194846Z
> python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T194846Z: manifest file doesn't
> exist yet, fetching from server
> python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T194846Z: downloading
> files............................................................................................................................................................................................
> python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T194846Z: installing files...
> Installing: pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T194843Z
> pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T194843Z: manifest file doesn't exist yet,
> fetching from server
> pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T194843Z: downloading
> files....................................................................
> pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T194843Z: installing files...
> Installing updatetool packages...
> Installing: wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T194903Z
> wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T194903Z: manifest file
> doesn't exist yet, fetching from server
> wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T194903Z: downloading
> files............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
> wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T194903Z: installing files...
> Installing: updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T194901Z
> updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T194901Z: manifest file doesn't exist
> yet, fetching from server
> updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T194901Z: downloading
> files.....................................................................................
> updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T194901Z: installing files...
> Update Center initialization complete.
> Software successfully installed. You may now re-run this command
> (updatetool).
> root_at_dhcp-cblr03-229-79 # ./updatetool
> Segmentation Fault - core dumped
> ==========================================================================================
> *On Win Vista: *
> C:\glassfishv3-tp2\bin>updatetool.bat
> The software needed for this command (updatetool.bat) is not installed.
> Press any key to install the necessary software, or Ctrl-C to quit.
> After software installation is completed you may re-run this command.
> Press any key to continue . . .
> echo was unexpected at this time.
> ===============================================================================================
> *On Ubuntu: *The update tool window doesn't come up.
> Software repository:
> Installing pkg packages...
> Installing: python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T195400Z
> python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T195400Z: manifest file doesn't
> exist yet, fetching from server
> python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T195400Z: downloading
> files............................................................................................................................................................................................
> python2.4-minimal_at_2.4.4,0-6.564:20080425T195400Z: installing files...
> Installing: pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T195358Z
> pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T195358Z: manifest file doesn't exist yet,
> fetching from server
> pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T195358Z: downloading
> files...................................................................
> pkg_at_0.1.4,0-6.564:20080425T195358Z: installing files...
> Installing updatetool packages...
> Installing: wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T195418Z
> wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T195418Z: manifest file
> doesn't exist yet, fetching from server
> wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T195418Z: downloading
> files..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
> wxpython2.8-minimal_at_2.8.7.1,0-6.564:20080425T195418Z: installing files...
> Installing: updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T195415Z
> updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T195415Z: manifest file doesn't exist
> yet, fetching from server
> updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T195415Z: downloading
> files.....................................................................................
> updatetool_at_2.0,0-6.564:20080425T195415Z: installing files...
> Update Center initialization complete.
> Software successfully installed. You may now re-run this command
> (updatetool).
> naresh_at_naresh:~/Tp2-docs/glassfishv3-tp2/bin$ ./updatetool
> naresh_at_naresh:~/Tp2-docs/glassfishv3-tp2/bin$ ./updatetool
> =====================================================================================================