Re: appservAgentService.exe not functional on Windows 2003

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 11:38:21 -0400

I think Sun has specifically not put much time into Windows Service
related testing.

To get it working I had to find the command line string from an older
doc (8.x I think?) last summer, then had trouble with spaces in my
path. I had to get help from this mailing list, and eventually they
sent me source code that builds the command to be executed. I turned
that into a utility and put it on the GlassFish wiki. However, there
was still an undocumented problem. java.exe would terminate whenever I
logged out of Windows. I had to spend more time to determine that we
require -Xrs JVM option to tell the JVM not to shutdown on Windows
logout. There is/was a ticket to add this to the official documentation.

The best way to get Sun's attention is to create tickets with P1 or P2
priority :) Or, buy a support contract.

Ryan wrote:
> The issue of this thread, if you had read it, is that the provided executables for using with windows services do not appear to be working. They are provided by sun and glassfish group, so no, it does not seem that glassfish is rock-solid.
> If I could find ANYONE else who's got this working, I'd have a better feeling that its my servers or how I'm adding the service or something attributed to the environment or user error. But neither the glassfish dev-team or the user community seems to have tried this, which confuses me because they've got documentation on setting it up.