Ant Deploy To Glassfish -- Without glassfish installed - Which jars?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 13:59:27 PDT

We have a rather large development procedure already to get started in our lab. Now we are adopting glassfish and beginning to push a bunch of web services onto it. Using ant as our deployment mechanism.

The problem we are having is that for ant to be able to deploy to a remote glassfish server, glassfish itself needs to be installed on the local machine... This is a pain to add this to our development procedures.

So example:
  asinstalldir="${glassfish.home}" />

So glassfish.home points to the root of the glassfish directory, and then this ant task all nicely works.

What I would rather do is commit whatever jars are needed to run this ant task into our repository and just source them in the classpath. This makes the most sense. The ant task should not be fully dependant on the entire glassfish install. I tried this and it quickly became a headache as apparently files are needed from everywhere in the glassfish install dir...

Anyone have a solution for me?

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