IWebMvc Milestone 3 released

From: Jose Noheda <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 14:22:04 +0200

Hi all,

I've compiled a new version of IWebMvc, Milestone 3. For those of you that
don't know it already, IWebMvc is a flexible web / enterprise platform built
in Java, based around Spring / JPA (Hibernate) / DWR & dojo. It aims to
facilitate the task of a developer offering a lot of pre-built functionality
(project kick start, dependency management, security, CRUD operations,
audit, widget tag libs, RSS...). It can be compared to AppFuse and/or Grails
and/or Stripes (may be Zend?) in several ways. But the an image is worth a
thousand words so there's a screencast matching the release this time. You
can read about it at or
just try it from

As always, comments, suggestions, contributions, critics.. everything is

Enjoy it!
