> Hi all,
> So, once again I'm the lone Java/Netbeans/Glassfish developer here at the office and my manager, as usual, is forcing me into competition with the rest of the developers here who use a tool called "Plex" to generate desktop applications from meta-code. This is an ongoing 3-year battle where I'm regularly forced into a situation where I have to "prove" that Java is better. I've never told anyone here that I thought it was superior to their tools but since it is 6-to-1, I'm usually on the "outside" and am scoffed at. I am the only one here developing web applications, the rest, as I said, use another tool and work on rich client apps.
> Anyhow, rant over. We're having a large management meeting next week where I'll be doing a 15-20 min. presentation on what Java is, how Netbeans works, and why I chose Netbeans, Glassfish, and Java EE to develop the apps that I've built here. I'll go up, show a few slides describing Java and why it's great, and build a very small app...probably a single entity in an enterprise web project...and a quick UI over the top of it. I'll probably use the JSF/EJB code generation facilities in Netbeans for the sake of saving time, even though I build most of our apps here with Wicket. Following me, another developer will go in front of everyone and do the same thing with their "Plex" tool. Obviously you can see where this is's a thinly veiled competition staged by a very territorial project manager.
> Regardless, the reason I'm posting this is; I'm hoping some folks here can point me to some very good powerpoint presentations that I can plagiarize from, for the sake of the "greater good". I'm looking for info that shows why Java is so great...lots of pretty diagrams and nice presentation material.
> Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
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