RE: problem getting symbolic links working

From: <>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 11:54:05 +0200

This generally works for serving files and JSPs - though I doubt that the classloader works that way. If all your webapps need a common jar file it probably would be better to put this jar file into the $DOMAIN_HOME/lib directory.

Wolfram Rittmeyer
>Hi there, this is my second question/problem.
>I would like to be able to in the web applications WEB-INF directory use
>an symbolic link to the lib directory (to make sure that all 
>webapplications that should use same jar files do use them)
>the problem is that whenever I set up lib to be a symbolic link, my web
>application no longer starts (I have some servlets that start up at the
>begining) and inthe logs I see ClassNotfoundException:s
>after searching a bit I found that to get symlinks working I needed to
>turn it on bu using the allowLinking property in 
>[WEB-APP-DIR]/WEB-INF/sun-web.xml like this..
>   <property name="allowLinking" value="true"/>
>but symbolic links still do no work..
>do I do something wrong? or is it not possible to use symbolic links 
>for the lib directory ?