Re: Security Manager fails to block ejb access

From: <>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:30:15 PDT

Access constraints by themselves didn't do anything for me, but adding the sun-ejb-jar.xml with io-security-config settings did the the trick and everything now behaves as expected.

Thank you, monzillo!

The documentation on these aspects of GS configuration seems to be incredibly hard to find/google, and I've spent 3+ days just trying to get the AS to refuse an unknown client access to my ejb module. I guess I'm a bit disappointed at the amount of time I've had to spend researching something so basic.

Even now that I have the fix, I still can't find any decent web-documentation on this. googling sun-ejb-jar.xml brings up nothing really useful (from a learner's standpoint). The sun documents ( are hilariously unusable.
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