Re: Using optional packages in client

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 15:24:59 -0500

Markus KARG wrote:
> Tim,
> sorry I cannot provide the response you wanted to hear -- since the
> fake is not needed at all.
> I checked the Java EE 5 spec and the Java SE 5 spec, and both come to
> the same conclusion: For pre-installed optional packages, no explicit
> manifests are needed at all. That means, neither JMF nor JDIC is
> wrong. It is correct to provide a JAR without a manifest. Moreover, a
> optional packages doesn't need to explaint that it is an optional
> package using Extension-Name. As long as it is installed in lib/ext,
> the JRE assumes it to be an optional extension, so GlassFish (and all
> EARs in GlassFish) have full access. In fact, I just removed
> Extension-List from my application client JARs, and then the verifier
> was happy, and GlassFish was happy, and I was happy, too. :-)
> So now everything works pretty well. Thanks a lot for spending so much
> time into the solution, even if not needed now, since "it just works".
> :-)
The simple solution is always to be preferred! I should have remembered
that from the spec myself.

Most importantly, this is working for you now and you can make more

- Tim