Re: Using optional packages in client

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 19:31:32 +0200


sorry I cannot provide the response you wanted to hear -- since the fake
is not needed at all.

I checked the Java EE 5 spec and the Java SE 5 spec, and both come to
the same conclusion: For pre-installed optional packages, no explicit
manifests are needed at all. That means, neither JMF nor JDIC is wrong.
It is correct to provide a JAR without a manifest. Moreover, a optional
packages doesn't need to explaint that it is an optional package using
Extension-Name. As long as it is installed in lib/ext, the JRE assumes
it to be an optional extension, so GlassFish (and all EARs in GlassFish)
have full access. In fact, I just removed Extension-List from my
application client JARs, and then the verifier was happy, and GlassFish
was happy, and I was happy, too. :-)

So now everything works pretty well. Thanks a lot for spending so much
time into the solution, even if not needed now, since "it just works". :-)


Tim Quinn schrieb:
> Hello, again, Markus.
> Markus KARG wrote:
>> Tim,
>> once more, thanks a lot! To sum up both threads, and to verify that I
>> have correctly understood your brilliant idea, can you confirm that
>> this is what you want me to do:
>> * Create a Workaround.jar file that contains nothing but a
>> * The META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file contains the declaration of
>> "WorkaroundExtension".
>> * The META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file contains a Class-Path: attribute that
>> lists all the JARs of JDIC and JMF that I can found out to be needed
>> (in case if JDIC: jdic.jar and jdic_stub.jar, in case of JMF at least
>> jmf.jar plus possibly a list of currently unknown JARs).
>> * My Java EE Client Application JAR's META-INF/MANIFEST.MF shall
>> reference the "WorkaroundExtension" as a needed optional package.
>> * Put the Workaround.jar in JRE/lib/ext manually on each client
>> (Thanks god that I know all the workplaces and my application is not
>> a public place with thousand of anoynmous users).
> Another possibility for depositing workaround.jar on each client would
> be for you to build your own, small, JNLP installer extension. The
> GlassFish built-in support will not be able to provide you any help
> with this, but you might want to investigate it and see if it would
> meet your needs. But you've understood my basic point.
>> Right?
> Yes, that's what I was suggesting. Let's not call this idea brilliant
> until we know it works! ;-)
> If it makes sense in the general case workaround.jar could contain
> some classes also, but for the problems you are facing its role is to
> declare the WorkaroundExtension and refer to the other JARs, just as
> you have summarized.
>> This sounds like a standards compliant, vendor- and platform neutral,
>> in short: brilliant, solution to my problems (as long as I can find
>> out what JARs JMF is really installing into my system, besides
>> jmf.jar)! You really are an inexhaustable source of "bad" tricks. ;-)
> I am not sure if this is a good thing or not!
>> I will try it out in the next hours and will post the results. I
>> think it will be interesting for other users, too.
>> BTW, do you have any idea whom to write to suggest putting correct
>> manifests into JDIC and JMF? Seems Sun lost interest in both
>> projects, since I just cannot find out a current email address that
>> is not returned by Sun's Mail Server... :-(
> Perhaps create a new defect at for JDIC and to
> create a separate bug at for JMF.
> Best of luck and please do report your results.
> - Tim
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