Re: JMS Topic to MDB to EJB to JPA - Data Integrity/Insertion Problems

From: Sivakumar Thyagarajan <Sivakumar.Thyagarajan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 15:21:44 +0530

Sorry jamesdh for this late response.

>> Ok, I set the jms-service.type to LOCAL, and that fixed our
>> exception. Thanks for that tip, although I am still unclear as to
>> what exactly that does.

LOCAL integration mode starts the broker instance associated with the
application server instance in a new process. Please see for more

>> So, problem solved...sort of. We would still like to use our
>> non-dependency heavy method of conecting clients to JMS, but we are
>> unsure of what needs to be properly set. We are assuming it must be
>> some sort of property on the ConnectionFactory, and are
>> investigating it as I write this, but any hints would be
>> appreciated!

I agree. I don't know why lookup of a CF bound to JNDI, resulted in
duplicates. Do you see that happening with an application server
instance whose jms-service is configured to be LOCAL as well? If yes,
that does sound strange. The Sun MQ based JMS CF approach, I agree is
non-portable and ideally not required. If you could still reproduce it,
would it be possible to file an issue with a reproducible testcase. We
have a number of tests that simulate a similar setup(albeit without JPA
-- but that doesn't seem to be your problem anyway) and haven't faced
this before.
