Re: Using optional packages in client

From: <>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 04:11:37 PDT

[I sent the following e-mail reply to the mailing list yesterday.]

Hello, Markus.

The flagged line from the stack trace is trying to get the manifest attribute value jdic.jar-Extension-Name from a manifest. I suspect what you really want there is jdic-Extension-Name (no .jar suffix). There could be other similar problems, either for other attributes (such as version) for jdic or for other packages.

Could you please check your manifest and make sure the attributes are as you want them?

As an aside, the GlassFish error handling for this sort of problem could use some improvement. Could I interest you in opening an issue?

- Tim
[Message sent by forum member 'tjquinn' (tjquinn)]