Glassfish LDAPRealm

From: <>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:48:25 PDT


I'm currently trying to connect Active Directory as an LDAP authentication realm. After some initial startup issues I have come to the point where there is 1 issue left; retrieving groups for a user.

It seems to me there is a bug when the group search is performed. As soon as a user with a common name containing a ',' is queried the group list is empty. (CN=Muis, Jeroen,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com) When the DN is displayed inside the logs it contains a escaping '\' for the ',' between Muis and Jeroen (CN=Muis\, Jeroen,DC.....) When the group membership is queried this is transformed into CN=Muis, Jeroen without escape. (Confirmed by Wireshark)

Has anyone any ideas about this or run into this before?

Thanks a lot,
Jeroen Muis
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