Can't start cluster - Failed file

From: <>
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2008 20:29:05 PST

I can not for the life of me figure out why this is not working. I created three instances and then try to start the cluster. But no mater what, the cluster will not start:

From the CLI:

# /opt/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-cluster --user admin --passwordfile /opt/glassfish/adminpassword.txt --host localhost --port 4848 cluster1
Operation 'startCluster' failed in 'clusters' Config Mbean.
Target exception message: All server instances in cluster cluster1 were not started.
Login failed: Failed file login for admin.
Login failed: Failed file login for admin.
Login failed: Failed file login for admin.
CLI137 Command start-cluster failed.

From the GUI:

All server instances in cluster cluster1 were not started. Login failed: Failed file login for admin. Login failed: Failed file login for admin. Login failed: Failed file login for admin.

Trying to individually start each instance also fails:

# /opt/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-instance --user admin --passwordfile /opt/glassfish/adminpassword.txt --host localhost --port 4848
Failed file login for admin.
CLI137 Command start-instance failed.

The node-agent associated with these instances is running. In each one of the instance log files I see repeated entries of the following error getting logged:

[#|2008-04-01T21:12:31.962-0700|INFO|sun-appserver9.1||_ThreadID=22;_ThreadName=RMI TCP Connection(17)-X.Y.Z.T;admin;|SEC5046: Audit: Authentication refused for [admin].|#]

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
[Message sent by forum member 'cpaolini' (cpaolini)]