Re: Load Balancer Proxy by Mime-Type

From: Pankaj Jairath <Pankaj.Jairath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 13:41:40 +0530

Sure, this is a way around to filter the requests at the web server
level itself; which is independent of the load balancer support for
different load balancing policies.


Kuntz, Tim wrote:
> Thanks much for the detailed explanation, Pankaj. I may use this in
> the near future.
> For now, I found a much simpler solution that seems to meet my needs.
> I simply moved the NameTrans for the load balancer into an Object with
> a partial path and set the context-root to handle all requests.
> obj.conf -
> <Object ppath="(/hello*|*.jsp)">
> NameTrans fn="name-trans-passthrough" name="lbplugin"
> config-file="...loadbalancer.xml"
> </Object>
> loadbalancer.xml -
> <web-module context-root="/"
> Thanks again,
> Tim
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