Load Balancer Proxy by Mime-Type

From: Kuntz, Tim <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 10:57:04 -0500

I am attempting to migrate from WebLogic to Glassfish and am currently
working on the load-balancing requirements.
I have the need to proxy requests both by "path" or "context" AND by
mime-type (file extension).
This is required because some web applications contain both static and
dynamic content and others contain only the dynamic content and require
the web server to serve up images, etc...
I have successfully configured load balancing between a Sun Web Server
and Glassfish cluster using the sample "clusterjsp" app so I have met
the proxy by path requirement, but I can't find any documentation
regarding how to proxy by mime-type.
Is proxying requests by mime-type even possible with the current Sun
load balancer?
Thanks in advance,