the question targeted in another direction: My EJB 3.0 SLSB doesn't have
any Remote Home Interface, as this is optional in EJB 3.0 SLSBs (it
would be the same always, containing a simple ejbCreate() method,
So if I have a EJB 2.1 client that needs to have a EJBHome (I do not
need MySlsbHome, but really only EJBHome, since it wants to call the
default ejbCreate() SLSB initialization) there is no possibility to talk
to the EJB 3.0 SLSB, unless I explicitely add a (more or less useless)
EJB Remote Home interface to my server, right?
Dies Koper schrieb:
> Hi Markus,
> It's in section 3.6.1 Locating a Session Bean’s Home Interface of the
> EJB spec (EJB Core):
> @EJB CartHome cartHome;
> Regards,
> Dies
> Markus KARG wrote:
>> I have code that is using JNDI to lookup an EJBHome.
>> Now I want to get rid of the deployment descriptor, so I added @EJB
>> annotation instead of the JNDI lookup.
>> But how can I access the EJBHome now?
>> Thanks
>> Markus
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