Re: reentrant entities

From: Dies Koper <>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 19:10:43 +0900

Hello Markus,

In EJB2.1 you only needed to do this for Entity Beans. In EJB 3.0 the
Entity Beans were not improved, they don't support annotations, so you
still need the deployment descriptor for them.

If you are wondering what to do with JPA Entities, they are not Java EE
components so it is not relevant.


Markus KARG wrote:
> In EJB 2.1 I had to mark beans as reentrant if needed.
> When using EJB 3.0 with annotations (I want to get rid of the deployment
> descriptor), what do I have to do to mark a bean as reentrant?
> Thanks
> Markus