Re: exception while deployng MDB with resource adapter

From: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 05:44:55 PDT

I thought I replied before but I can't find my posting so maybe I didn't sent it. I'll reply again just in case.

I have seen the same error message too. You get it when you have more than one Jar file in the classpath-suffix, prefix or system classpath (not sure which) of the DAS and deploy a module containing EJBs.

The paths to the jar files seem to be separated using "${path.separator}" instead of semicolons/colons in the domain.xml. This classpath is passed like that to the EJB Classloader, i.e. it is not broken up in separate file url's for each entry.

In the stacktrace you can see "JaxRpcCodegenFactory.getAdapter". It searches for META-INF/services/javax.xml.rpc.spi.JaxRpcObjectFactory. Even if your application does not use JAX-RPC it searches for it anyway. The classloader tries to look for this resource in its classpath, but because of the illegal path name (e.g. "c:\jdbc\ojdbc14.jar${path.separator}c:\util.jar") it logs an error.

I can reproduce it on GF V2 UR1 by adding 2 Jars to the classpath through the Admin Console or the asadmin set command.

For me deployment did go successfully, probably because I do not use JAX-RPC, and because my application does not have any direct references to the classes in those Jars.

Siva, I hope with this info you can reproduce it and fix it.
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