Thick Client Architecture

From: Olle Mårtensson <>
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 09:04:21 +0100


I'm looking for a good architecture for thick ejb3 clients? Here are
som qeustions that I'm struggling with:

(i) two-tier: [clientapp]--[db]
(ii) three-tier: [clientapp]--[appsrv/glassfish]--[db]

1) Seems to me that a two (i) solution could end up with a lot of open
connections because each client uses their own connection pool. In
this case are there any problems with this?

2) (i) would allow for client side caching which is nice. Is this a
big performance gain compared to (ii)?

3) Does (ii) allow for lazy loading?

4) How would one go about for synchronizing data between the clients
and the datase.

// olle