Re: xen or openvz for Glassfish

From: <>
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2008 07:53:06 PST

thanks for the answers.

I already have domain running on Xen with 512RAM. Before two days I bought a openvz hosting beacuse the price is twice cheaper and with better parameters (900RAM and 90GB hard disk and unlimited swap).

Yesterday I start to make some tests. I read PDF file with 26MB size as string, print the available and free memory and append to string buffer. This was repeated until free memory becomes less than 50MB. The results were a lot different. On Xen domain the file was readed twice. On openvz domain nothing was read or appended... just out of memory exception.

I tested Xen and openvz domain with simple encryption service. The input of the service is text, password and algorithm. On my laptop I run 5 clients for 30 seconds and serviced requests was almost the same. I think the little difference comes from the bandwidth or may be from processor - openvz 900MHz.

The other interesting thing was the domain startup. On Xen with -server and -Xmx512m jvm options everthing was started and even mysqld is working perfectly. On openvz with -client and -Xmx320m the server was started.

Mainly I want to use the domain for simple public services and to store my documentation there. If I only use the domain for simple public services I will choose the openvz beacause of the price but storing documentation means indexing it.
[Message sent by forum member 'valchev' (valchev)]