RMI Registry service in Glassfish

From: <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 06:52:05 PST


I'd like to suggest that Glassfish make an RMI registry
service available to its webapps.
Is there some way I can submit this request to the
development team, or is it likely that if I wrote a patch
to the server that it would be accepted ?

I have an app that exports services via RMI to
remote clients, and I'm forced to chose between the
following options.

*. Run a separate registry process.
    - A separate registry another point of failure,
      and one more server for an administrator
      to remember to keep track of and check
      in failure scenarios.

*. Launch my own registry from within the webapp
    - This is what I do, but the registry does not get
      cleanly shutdown if I redeploy the webapp,
      so I'm forced to restart the whole server domain -
      which is especially annoying when working through
      dev-debug cycles.

     - Also, there seems to be some
      bug (maybe just on Windows) where if glassfish is
      installed to a path with a SPACE character in it
              (ex: C/Program Files/glassfish...),
      then the autogenerated RMI proxy-stubs get misnamed/tagged
      somehow, and clients can't access the RMI service.
      I can't remember the exact error right now - I worked around
      it my simply installing to C:/glassfish for my Windows development.

*. Publish my remote objects via EJB+JNDI.

    - This would be great,
        but would force my clients to reference the Glassfish-specific
       JNDI driver jar, which would be annoying to users
       that would like to deploy my code to a different server environment.

       It would actually be pretty sweet if EJB published simultaneously
       to both RMI-registry and JNDI.
       Even better would be an RMI-implementation that multiplexes
       multiple client sessions over a single port, rather
       than forcing me to open up my firewall to make services
       available via RMI.

*. Roll my own

      - Writing a servlet that reproduces some subset of RmiRegistry
         functionality sounds like an annoying project.

I just realized I should probably be sending this to some
developer mailing list. I'll check that out, but please let
me know if I'm missing something.

[Message sent by forum member 'catdogboy' (catdogboy)]