Re: Updating the version of Derby in Glassfish to 10.3

From: Prashant Bhagat <Prashant.Bhagat_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 18:26:41 -0800

Didn't hear anything, so just trying again.

Prashant Bhagat wrote:
> We (JavaCAPS product in SOA/BI) are using GlassFish V2 UR1. The
> version of Derby that it packages is
> However, we want to use Derby 10.3 because it has some bug fixes and
> features that are not there in 10.2. We don't want to ask users to
> install 10.3 separately and want them to the one packaged with
> glassfish. Are there any plans to move to 10.3. If yes, what are the
> time-lines? What are the other options?
> Thanks in advance.

Prashant Bhagat
Open ESB Community (