Re: PersistenceContext and the verifier

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 07:44:36 +0530

Verifier is correct, thee message could be better though. Having said
that, where did you read that it is OK to put persistence.xml in
META-INF directory of the ear file. If you put persistence.xml in
META-INF of ear, it is simply ignored. If you want your
persistence-units to be visible all modules in the ear file, then put in
a library jar. The easiest way of doing it is add all entity classes and
META-INF/persistence.xml into a jar file (say) entities.jar and package
it in lib directory of the ear file.

Sahoo wrote:
> I'm confused about the @PersistenceContext annotation.
> If you look at its documentation, it says, about its "name" attribute:
> "The name by which the entity manager is to be accessed in the environment referencing context, and is not needed when dependency injection is used."
> OK. So that means that within some SLSB somewhere I can do this:
> [code]@PersistenceContext
> private EntityManager entityManager;[/code]
> ...instead of this:
> [code]@PersistenceContext(unitName="froobyFrobby")
> private EntityManager entityManager;[/code]
> ...and then somewhere in my code I can say this:
> [code]assert this.entityManager != null;[/code]
> ...and [i]some[/i] persistence unit's EntityManager will have been injected in here. (Which one? The specification doesn't say, as far as I can tell.)
> So, OK, I throw this EJB into an .ear file and attempt to deploy it with the verifier on. The verifier yells at me because I've neglected to put a persistence.xml in my .ear's META-INF directory. My bad. So I do this...and it looks like:
> [code]<persistence>
> <persistence-unit name="someNameHere"/>
> </persistence>[/code]
> Fine so far. (Note that my persistence root is now the .ear file. Note as well that the name I've picked for my one persistence unit doesn't appear anywhere else. I think that's legal.)
> Now I run the verifier, and among the steaming piles of log information it deposits on my hard drive is the following:
> [code]--------------
> --------------
> Test Name : tests.ejb.ejb30.PUMatchingEMandEMFRefTest
> Test Assertion : For every entity manager referenced in the application,
> there must be a matching persistence unit defined using META-INF/persistence.xml
> file. Please refer to EJB 3.0 Persistence API Specification section #6.2 for further information.
> Test Description : For [ sapling-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT#bricks-business-query-ejb3-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar#QueryLogicDelegate ]
> There is no unique persistence unit found by name [ null ] in the scope of this component.
> Persistence units that are visible to this component are [ ].[/code]
> O...K. So I consult section #6.2...and I see nothing that looks to me like a justification for this test. Is there some line in 6.2 somewhere that will tell me both:
> (a) why it is that I don't have to supply a "unitName" attribute to my @PersistenceContext annotation, even though
> (b) it is required that this unnamed @PersistenceContext somehow "link up" with a named persistence unit in my persistence.xml file?
> The other thing that bothers me a bit here is that the EJB jar that failed the test can't "see" any persistence units, even though there is one defined in its containing ear's META-INF/persistence.xml file.
> So, then, three questions:
> 1. What persistence unit is supposed to be selected when one uses a simple @PersistenceContext annotation (i.e. one does not supply a unitName attribute)?
> 2. What is the verifier trying to do, and where did it get its rules in this department?
> 3. How does one make an .ear-scoped persistence.xml file visible to the components in the .ear, if not by putting it in $EAR_ROOT/META-INF?
> The reason I'm loath to put a persistence context with a unit name in here is that I don't want to specify it at the "library" level. That is, I have a (hopefully) reusable SLSB in a library that, by definition, doesn't know what application it's going to be part of. So I annotate its entityManager field with a raw @PersistenceContext annotation.
> I hope this all makes sense; thanks for reading.
> Best,
> Laird
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