Updating the version of Derby in Glassfish to 10.3

From: Prashant Bhagat <Prashant.Bhagat_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 15:50:53 -0800

We (JavaCAPS product in SOA/BI) are using GlassFish V2 UR1. The version
of Derby that it packages is
However, we want to use Derby 10.3 because it has some bug fixes and
features that are not there in 10.2. We don't want to ask users to
install 10.3 separately and want them to the one packaged with
glassfish. Are there any plans to move to 10.3. If yes, what are the
time-lines? What are the other options?

Thanks in advance.

Prashant Bhagat
Open ESB Community (