Re: Please help with Glassfish setup

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 12:02:58 -0800 wrote:
> Hello All,
> This might be a stupid newby question, please forgive me.
There is no stupid question in GlassFish land. All questions are welcome :)
> I am just starting learning J2EE stuff, so I've installed Java EE 5 SDK (in 'C:\java\SDK'), then Glassfish V2 UR1 (in 'C:\java\glassfish'). I have Windows XP and IIS 5.1. I followed the insructions on how to install Glassfish from So I set JAVA_HOME system environment variable 'C:\java\SDK',
This env var is to set your path to where your Java SE installation is
located at. For instance c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.x. not the SDK path.
> added a value to my PATH system environment variable: 'C:\java\glassfish\bin'. On the course of istallation the folder 'C:\java\glassfish\domains\domain1' had been created.
> When I try to start the server with a command 'asadmin start-domain domain1' I'm getting an error message:
> 'Domain domain1 failed to startup. There is a conflict on port 8080. Please check the server log for more details. CLI156 Could not start the domain domain1.'
> However if I type 'http://localhost:8080/' URL in the browser I am getting something:
> 'Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (build b58g-fcs)
> Your server is up and running!'
> I am confused with these servers. Does this Sun Java System Application Server have anything to do with the Glassfish server? Or are they inependent?
GlassFish is the open source project that builds the GlassFish
application server. The Sun Java System Application Server is the Sun
branded GlassFish app server packaged with the Java EE SDK. When you
installed the SDK it probably started the server at the end of
installation. Hence port 8080 is occupied for that process.
Fundamentally there is no difference between the Sun branded and
GlassFish appservers
> There is one more confusing thing.
> I followed the insructions from Glassfish Quick Start Page and downloaded a test application hello.war and as the insruction says I placed the file into C:\java\glassfish\domains\domain1\autodeploy folder. A file hello.war_deployed was to be appear in the folder but it didn't. My attempt to run http://localhost:8080/hello didn't get me anywhere. However, there is another 'domain1' folder, it's in the SDK directory, full path: 'C:\java\SDK\domains\domain1'. If I place the hello.war file into 'C:\java\SDK\domains\domain1\autodeploy' folder then the application runs fine.
> Could anyone explain to me what's going on?
Yes, the GlassFish installation does to have a domain running which is
required for the autodeployed app to be loaded and processes. If you are
running the SDK's appserver, you will need to stop it and start the GF
server to see this in action. Or you will need to change the ports of
the GF installation that are mentioned in the setup.xml or
setup-cluster.xml files.

> Thanks,
> Alex
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